For those of you who have dipped into this oscillation issue but perhaps haven’t seen all the various reports about the Ares I crew launch vehicle and its oscillation conundrum you might want to peruse through the following
You can get a good idea of what the problem is from this Aviation Week and Space Technology article
And this AvWeek article talks about a Shuttle launch NASA wants to help them address the issue
Then there is NASA’s answers to all the questions about the oscillation issue
Transterrestrial Musing’s Rand Simberg has his views on the situation and he doesn’t like NASA’s answers either
Mars blog’s Thomas James takes his frustrations out on Ares and appears to suggest that the SRB first-stage should be replaced with a new cryogenic system that uses the Pratt & Whitney RS-68 engines that Ares V will use has some links to related Ares I articles
And finally, a guest poster on NASA deputy administrator Shana Dale’s blog writes about risk and humans