by Rob Coppinger | Apr 3, 2009 | Commercial human spaceflight, Personal spaceflight, Space tourism, Suborbital
Spacejet (above) has the full support of the leadership of EADS Astrium and it is a long term project for a long term market, Hugues Laporte-Weywada, Astrium’s senior vice president and deputy chief technical officer told Hyperbola in an exclusive interview at...
by Rob Coppinger | Apr 1, 2009 | Commercial human spaceflight, Personal spaceflight, Space tourism, Suborbital, Virgin Galactic
I had heard a rumour that Virgin Galactic had approached Cable News Network, aka CNN, and offered them a seat, exclusively, a one time offer to a global news organisation for a ride on SpaceShip Two; and it sort of made sense considering a lot of...
by Rob Coppinger | Mar 24, 2009 | Commercial human spaceflight, Personal spaceflight, Space tourism, Suborbital, Technology
Hyperbola had heard that EADS Astrium had shelved for the time being its aspirations for the suborbital market and now the European space company has confirmed the rumour to this blog with the following statement: “The world economic situation has created a...
by Rob Coppinger | Mar 20, 2009 | Commercial human spaceflight, Personal spaceflight, Space Insurance, Space tourism, Spaceport, Suborbital, Virgin Galactic, White Knight
Click here to listen to the final fifth part of Hyperbola’s series of podcasts that will in total make up the 45min interview with Virgin Galactic president Will Whitehorn held on 4 March 2009 in the company’s London offices. During this 9min 37s interview...
by Rob Coppinger | Mar 16, 2009 | Commercial human spaceflight, Personal spaceflight, Space Insurance, Space tourism, Spaceport, Suborbital, Virgin Galactic, White Knight
Click here to listen to part four of Hyperbola’s series of podcasts that will in total make up the 45min interview with Virgin Galactic president Will Whitehorn held on 4 March 2009 in the company’s London offices. During this 7min 21s interview hear...
by Rob Coppinger | Mar 16, 2009 | Personal spaceflight, Space tourism, Suborbital, Virgin Galactic
What do you mean you don’t read Swedish? Go through to the extended portion of this blog post to see the translation FIVE NORDIC TOUR cleared to SELL SPACE TRAVEL to Virgin Galactic You are hereby invited to the press conference with Richard Branson...