The Terran 1 rocket, built by Relativity Space, failed to achieve orbit after suffering an ignition anomaly with its second stage during its maiden launch. As it was purely a test mission, the rocket was not carrying a satellite payload or releasable fairing. The...
Japan faces a setback in its ambitions to compete commercially with its new H3 expendable rocket after the H3-22S failed on its first flight due to second stage failure. The solid rocket boosters and the liquid propellent first stage appeared to work well as did the...
Arianespace has released the findings of its investigation into the Vega-C launch failure (flight VV22) which lost two Airbus Defence and Space-built Pleiades satellites ( Pleiades Neo 5 and 6). The launch took place at 0147 GMT on 21 December 2022. The P120C first...
Astra Space has released its investigation findings into the Astra Rocket 3.3 launch failure which lost a pair of NASA’s TROPICS-1 mission satellites. The TROPICS-1 mission launched on 12 June 2022 on Astra’s Rocket 3.3, serial number LV0010. The rocket...
Launcher’s Orbiter SN-1 delivery spacecraft has failed in orbit, according to the California based rocket developer. Its orbital transfer spacecraft/tug was launched on 3 January aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 Transporter-6 rideshare flight. The rocket successfully...
With mere seconds left before its planned lift-off from the Tanegashima launch site, Japan aborted the maiden flight of its new expendable H3 rocket. The H3 flight, which used the H3-22S variant, was scheduled to launch at 0137:55 GMT on 17 February. The main stage’s...