After a short weather related delay, SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral, USA at 0536 GMT on 5 October 2023 after short delay due to poor weather conditions at the launch site. The launch vehicle was carrying Starlink Group...
Speaking at a Technical Session on 5 October here at the IAC 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan, Jason Forshaw of Astroscale UK introduced us to the COSMIC programme they are working on. COSMIC (Cleaning up Outer Space Mission through Innovative Capture) is a UKSA-sponsored ADR...
Another contributor to the third plenary at the IAC 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan, was Manfred Jaumann, Head of Low Earth Orbit and Suborbital Programs in Space Systems, at Airbus Defence and Space (Airbus DS). Jaumann outlined the Starlab joint venture and the eponymous...
Russian space agency Roscosmos has released its preliminary report about the crash of Luna 25 onto the surface of the Moon. Luna 25, having achieved lunar orbit, was executing a manoeuvre on 19 August to lower this to an elliptical 110 x 16 km “pre-landing orbit” in...
The first Plenary Session of the second day here at the IAC 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, saw a discussion between three companies which are planning commercial space stations or transportation activities in low Earth orbit (LEO). Involved in this session was Axiom Space an...
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has fined communications satellite operator DISH Network US$150,000 for its failure to move its Echostar 7 satellite to either a fast re-entry or a graveyard orbit, in the first ever fine issued for space debris by the...