We are cutting through the orbital debris for you. In other words, we’re keeping an eye on space news on the web so you don’t have to. Here is our round-up of the most important, and interesting, space news stories of January (space orders can be found in...
Every year Seradata Space Intelligence reports on the ‘Great Space Race’ – that is, which nation will be next to set foot on the Moon and which will be first to reach the surface of Mars. David Todd analyses the odds and picks his runners and riders from the main...
With a record 11,000 attendees and over 2,000 presentations, there were too many ideas, exhibition stands, papers and talks for anyone to cover comprehensively. The sense of ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out) was inescapable as attendees, lowly humans that we are, lack the...
Labour won the UK general election by a landslide in terms of the number of seats secured, however its share of the votes cast on 4 July – on a noticeably low turnout – was just 34 per cent. So, it seems that while most of the electorate wanted the incumbent...
The Artemis Accords are a set of guidelines for “responsible behaviour in space” drafted by NASA and the US Department of State. As implied by its name, the Accords are specifically about NASA’s Artemis programme: the US effort to return people – including the first...
Our modern world relies heavily on space technology to make Planet Earth a more comfortable, safe and efficient place to live but, as many of us in the industry are aware, there is an increasing threat to these benefits. Spacecraft collisions, anti-satellite testing,...