Dragon CRS-29 cargo ship operated by SpaceX on behalf of NASA was launched by a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 rocket at 0128 GMT on 10 November 2023. The launch took place from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center – Pad 39A. The uncrewed Dragon re-supply craft is expected to...
SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 rocket from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA at 0505 GMT on 8 November 2023. The launch vehicle was carrying Starlink Group 6-27, a total of 23 (V2-mini) satellites for the second-generation Starlink...
SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral, California, USA at 2320 GMT on 30 October. The vehicle was carrying Starlink Group 6-25, a total of 23 v2 Mini satellites for the second-generation Starlink constellation. The B1077...
SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 rocket from Vandenberg, California, USA at 0900 GMT on 29 October. The launch vehicle was carrying Starlink Group 7-6, a total of 22 V2 Mini satellites for the second-generation Starlink constellation. The B1075...
SpaceX conducted two Starlink launches over the weekend of 21/22 October 2023. The first took place at 0823 GMT on 21 October and saw a Falcon 9 rocket lift-off from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, and carry 21 Starlink sats into LEO. These satellites formed...
SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA at 0039 GMT on 18 October 2023. The vehicle was carrying Starlink Group 6-23, a total of 22 (V2-mini) satellites for the second-generation Starlink constellation. The...