Dragon CRS-28, an unpiloted resupply craft, undocked from the space-facing (Zenith) port of the International Space Station’s (ISS) Harmony module at 1630 GMT on 29 June. It carried around 1,630 kg of scientific cargo including samples from BioNutrients-2, Monoclonal antibodies and Myotones experiments. Also onboard, after nearly six years on the ISS, were the GRIP (Dexterous Manipulation in Microgravity chair) used in the European Space Agency (ESA) sponsored neurology experiments in a study of how microgravity affects the manipulation of objects and GRASP (Gravitational References for Sensimotor Performance – Reaching and Grasping) – a study of how the central nervous system adapts to the microgravity environment.

Dragon CRS-28 resupply craft undocks from the ISS. Courtesy: NASA TV.
Dragon CRS-28 re-entered on 30 June and safely splashed down off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, USA at 1430 GMT. This marked SpaceX’s 28th contracted cargo resupply mission.