This Dassault Aviation video gives a good overview of how its Vehicule Reutillsable Aeroporte (VEHRA)/Airbus launch system would operate to launch satellites. For images and information about the suborbital manned version of VEHRA and Black Diamond, presented here at the International Academy of Astronautics’ symposium on private human access to space, click through to the extended portion
Here is the Vehicule Suborbital Habitable (VSH), a version of Dassault’s VEHRA, that carries passengers on a suborbital flight. Its internal configuration can be seen with the nose kerosene tank and rear liquid oxygen tank feeding Russian RD-0110 engines. What is not seen here is the air breathing engines and ejection seats that the vehicle would also have
What the image also does not show is the proposed Black Diamond seat system, which has been designed by students from Strate College as part of a competiton supported by the Astronaut Club European, and is explained in the images below as a component of the VSH