SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 rocket from the SLC-4E pad at Vandenberg, California, USA at 0657 GMT on 12 September 2023. The vehicle was carrying Starlink Group 7-2, a total of 21 v2 Mini communications satellites for the Starlink second-generation constellation. The reusable B1071 first stage, on its eleventh fight, landed on the drone barge Of Course I Still Love You located down range in the Pacific.

Time lapse photograph showing trajectory of Falcon 9v1.2FT Block 5 launch from Californian coast carrying Starlink Group 7-2. Courtesy: SpaceX
The second generation Starlink constellation consists of three main operational orbital shells with some satellites placed in them to date and one shell pending: Group 5 are in a 530 km orbit inclined at 43 degrees relative to the equatorial plane. Group 6 are in a 559 km orbit at 43 degrees inclined to equator. Group 7 is a 525 km orbit at 53 degrees inclination. Group 8 will be in a 535 km orbit inclined at 33 degrees.